
Cezmi Akdis: Editor in Chief
Professor, MD
Prof. Dr. Cezmi Akdis, MD is the Director of the Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF), Davos, Professor in Zurich University Medical Faculty, and one of the directors of the Christine Kühne-Center for Allergy Research and Education, Davos, Switzerland.
He was the President of the European Academy of Allergy & Clinical Immunology (11’000 members) between 2011-2013. Executive Committee Member between 2003-2015 and Vice President between 2007-2011.
Prof. Akdis’ research has been focused on immune tolerance mechanisms in humans, developing novel vaccines and treatment modalities, and regulation and role of tissue cells and epithelial barrier in asthma and allergies. He has strongly contributed to the initiation of disease endotypes and precision medicine concepts in allergies and asthma. He has been continuously performing vaccine, human immunology, lung and skin research to find solutions for allergies and asthma. Prof. Akdis has published more than 450 articles and 50 books and book chapters. H-index: 81, total number of citations more than 22’500 (Web of Science), (h-index: 101 and 38’700, Google Scholar). He is selected to ISI Web of Science, Thomson Reuters (Clarivate) Highly Cited Researcher, Most Innovative Minds List during the last three years. He is the editor of three Global Atlases. Allergy (written by an international group of 183 opinion leaders, and includes 274 illustrations and 100 tables), Asthma (written by an international group of 80 opinion leaders, and includes 147 illustrations and 46 tables) and Allergic Rhinitis and Chronic Rhinosinusitis (written by an international group of 218 opinion leaders, and includes 269 illustrations and 92 tables). These atlases have been downloaded more than 70’000 copies and 25’000 copies distributed in print. They are translated to Chinese and Spanish. He served in the JACI as Editorial Board member (2003), Associate Editor (2007-2015), Co-Editor-in-Chief 2015-2018. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Allergy.
Prof. Akdis is the founder and organizer of World Immune Regulation Meetings, Davos I-XII (600-1000 participants). One of the founders and Past Chairs of International Coalition in Allergy and Asthma (iCAALL), a presidents’ network between 4 main organizations in the area of allergy and clinical immunology, European Academy, American Academy, American College and World Allergy Organization, and one of the founders and executive committee member of Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA2LEN).
He was honoured with several international honors and awards, such as Ferdinand Wortman Prize, 1996; Hoechst Marion Roussel Award, 1998; Professor Hans Storck Award, 1998; Dr.-Karl Heyer-Preis, 1998; Sedat Simavi Medicine Award, 1998; Allergopharma Award, 2001; European Allergy Research “Gold Medal”, 2004; TUBITAK Exclusive Award, 2007; BUSIAD Award 2012; World Allergy Organization Award, 2013; AAAAI, Elliott Middleton Memorial Lecture, 2014; World Immunology Day Lectures, 2014 and 2017 and EAACI Paul Ehrlich Award 2016; Honors given by the Ozbekistan Academy of Sciences, 2015 and Capital University of Beijing, 2015, Swiss Society of Allergy Immunology, 2017. He is an honorary Professor in Capital Medical University, National Tongren Hospital, Beijing Institute of Otolaryngologology, China.
Prof. Akdis is a Senate Member of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences and an honorary member of the Swiss Society of Allergy Immunology (SGAI-SSAI).

Maria Torres: Deputy Editor
Professor, MD, PhD
Maria Torres is the Deputy Editor, an allergy expert, and medical doctor. She is currently the head of the Allergy Department of Malaga Regional University Hospital where she also teaches and supervises resident allergists. She is also an Associated Professor at the medicine department in the University of Malaga, where she has directed 12 doctoral theses. She has high level experiences in investigation, focusing on drug allergy, and is a member of a number of committees on drug allergy in the Spanish Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (SEAIC) and the Executive Committee of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI). She is the principal investigator for 15 national projects, obtained in competitive calls from public and private funding bodies and collaborates in over 25 national and European projects. She is a co-author in over 180 publications in international journals and has submitted more than 200 communications and presented work at over 40 conferences. She has received 6 prizes for investigation and has worked as a reviewer for the highest impact journals in the field of allergy. She also works as an evaluator for ANEP projects and is the coordinator for the panel of evaulators for research projects for the Andalucian government in the area of respiratory illness and immunology. She is the coordinator of the Spanish National Network on Asthma and Allergy.

Ioana Agache: Deputy Editor
Professor, MD, PhD
Ioana Agache is Professor of Allergy and Clinical Immunology at Transylvania University of Brasov, Romania and Past President of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) 2017-2019. Her research in the field of Asthma and Allergy and Clinical Immunology focused on asthma phenotypes and endotypes, immune modulation and immune tolerance and the role of the exposome and One Health in allergic diseases and asthma. Ioana Agache is chairing the EAACI Research and Outreach Committee and is member of the Steering Committee and co-author of several international and European Guidelines, such as ARIA (Allergic Rhinits and its impact on Asthma), EAACI Allergen Immunotherapy Guidelines and EAACI Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Guidelines, American College of Chest Physicians guideline on managing biologic therapy in severe persistent asthma, European Respiratory Society Short Guidelines for the use of ICS/formoterol on demand in mild Asthma. Ioana Agache is actually Chair of the EAACI Guidelines on the use of Biologics in asthma and allergic diseases, the EAACI Guidelines on Environmental Science for allergy and asthma and the EAACI Guidelines on Allergic asthma. She is Editor of the Global Atlas of Asthma (2013 and 2020), Global Atlas of Allergy (2014), Global Atlas of Allergic Rhinitis and Chronic Rhinosinusitis (2015), Implementing Precision Medicine in Best Practices of Chronic Airway Diseases (2018) and Associate Editor Clinical and Translational Allergy. Ioana Agache graduated with a medical degree from “Carol Davila” University, Bucharest and absolved Magna Cum Laude her PhD in Internal Medicine.

Marek Jutel: Deputy Editor
Professor, MD, PhD
Marek Jutel is currently a professor of allergy, clinical immunology, and internal medicine, and Head of the Department and Clinical Immunology at the Wroclaw Medical University, and Director of ALL-MED Medical Research Institute in Wroclaw, Poland. He is immediate Past President of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) 2019-2022. He has served as EAACI Executive Committee member (2009-ongoing), chair of the EAACI Scientific Programme Committee (2013-2015), and Treasurer (2015-2019). Currently, he is a member Board of Officers Member as Past President. He keeps the governmental position as the Allergy Consultant in-chief for the Lower Silesia Region. He is a board member of the Immunotherapy Committee in the Polish Allergy Society. He is an Associate Editor of Allergy and Clinical and Translational Allergy and a member of the editorial boards of 10 other journals. Prof. Jutel’s research has been focused on immune tolerance mechanisms, especially in the model of allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT). He is also constantly involved in clinical research on immunotherapy, biologics, and pharmacotherapy in allergic diseases, asthma, and COPD. He pioneered the use of recombinant allergens in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases. He was the principal investigator in more than 40 clinical trials in allergy, asthma, COPD, and other immune-mediated diseases.
Prof. Jutel has authored more than 300 scientific articles and 50 books and book chapters. He has directed 14 doctoral theses. He constantly contributes to a large number of guidelines and position papers on the management of allergic and immune-mediated diseases published by EAACI and other scientific organizations.

Alexandra Santos: Associate Editor
Professor, MD, PhD
Professor Alexandra Santos is Full Professor of Paediatric Allergy at King’s College London and Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Allergy at the Evelina London Children’s Hospital.
Alexandra qualified in Medicine from the University of Coimbra and completed her PhD in Allergy and Immunology at King’s College London, supervised by Professor Gideon Lack. Over the years, Alexandra has continued to combine clinical activity in Paediatric Allergy with clinical and laboratory translational research into food allergy.
The Santos Lab aims to improve the accuracy and safety of food allergy diagnosis and our understanding of the mechanisms of food allergy and oral tolerance in IgE-sensitised children in order to identify new targets for definitive treatment of food allergy.
Alexandra has received prestigious awards from the Medical Research Council (MRC): an MRC Clinical Research Training Fellowship, an MRC Centenary Early Career Award, the MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowship and MRC Transition Fellowship. She has also obtained funding from the NIH for her work in the LEAP Study, from Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE), Asthma UK, BBSRC and the Rosetrees Trust.
Alexandra is Past- Chair of the Board of the Food Allergy Interest Group of European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) and Chair of the upcoming EAACI Food Allergy Guidelines.

Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann: Associate Editor
Professor, MD, PhD
Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann is a Professor of Environmental Medicine at the Medical Faculty, Technical University of Munich. Her science mainly aims at molecular mechanisms of human-environment interaction and in particular at allergic diseases. She also holds a position as the Director of the Institute of Environmental Medicine, Helmholtz Zentrum München – German Research Center for Environmental Health. Here, Traidl-Hoffmann´s research focus lies on the consequences of climate change and effect with regards to plant pathologies, but also on immunological mechanisms of rare diseases. Professor Traidl-Hoffmann is board certified for Dermatology, Veneorology, and Allergology. She has been appointed Head Physician at the Outpatient Clinic for Environmental Medicine, Klinikum Augsburg. Thus, a translational platform exists where she specifically investigates chronic inflammatory skin diseases and in general non-communicable diseases or atopies. Her research is funded by both public domain and third parties. Major support comes from Christine Kühne – Center for Allergy Research and Education, Davos (CK-CARE), where Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann belongs to the Board of Directors. The various research and clinical institutions under her directorship collaborate on an interdisciplinary basis in order to provide for the best possible diagnosis, therapy, and prevention methods. To achieve this, Professor Traidl-Hoffmann manages five major research fields: microbiology, immunology, aerobiology, bioinformatics, and clinical studies.

David Jackson: Associate Editor
Associate Professor, MD, PhD
David Jackson is an Associate Professor in Respiratory Medicine at King’s College London and Head of Guy’s Severe Asthma Centre at Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals in London. This is the main tertiary referral unit for severe asthma and eosinophilic lung diseases in the region with over 500 patients treated with biologic therapies for these conditions. During his clinical training Dr Jackson gained an MSc in allergy and a PhD in the pathophysiology of asthma exacerbations from Imperial College. He has published widely in the field of type 2 immunity, biologic therapies in asthma, and the mechanisms of virus-induced asthma exacerbations. Dr Jackson is a GINA assembly member, a steering committee member of ISAR and is on the specialist advisory group for asthma of the British Thoracic Society.

De Yun Wang: Associate Editor
Professor, MD, PhD
Prof. Prof. Wang De Yun is currently Professor/Director of Research of the Department of Otolaryngology at the National University of Singapore. He trained and practiced as an ENT surgeon in China until his appointment as a research associate at the ENT department of the Free University of Brussels (AZ–VUB, Belgium) in 1989. He obtained his PhD in Medical Sciences (Free University Brussels, VUB) in 1995 and was appointed Director of Rhinology and Clinical Immunology Research at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Ghent, Belgium in 1996, where he stayed until 1997. He joined the Department of Otolaryngology, National University of Singapore in 1997. Prof Wang has published over 250 papers in peer-reviewed journals and over 30 book chapters. He is a member of expert committees for several international and European guidelines and consensus report in allergic rhinitis and rhinosinusitis, for instance, European White Paper in Allergy, WHO Initiative – Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA 2001 and 2008), European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps (EPOS 2007 and 2012), International Consensus Statement on Allergy and Rhinology: Rhinosinusitis (2016), and the International Consensus Statement on Allergy and Rhinology: Allergic Rhinitis (2018).

Emma Guttman-Yassky: Associate Editor
Professor, MD, PhD
Emma Guttman-Yassky, MD, PhD is the Head of the Dermatology Department, and the Waldman Professor of Dermatology and Immunology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York. She is the Director of the Center of Excellence in Eczema and the Laboratory for Inflammatory Skin Diseases. She earned her M.D. from Sackler School of Medicine at the Tel-Aviv University, and a PhD degree from the Bar-Ilan University, Israel. After her Israeli Board certification in dermatology in Israel, Dr. Guttman moved to the U.S. to pursue a two-year postdoctoral fellowship at The Rockefeller University in the Laboratory for Investigative Dermatology. Upon completion of her fellowship, she became board-certified by the American Board of dermatology after a second dermatology residency training at Weill-Cornell Medical College, in NY.
Dr. Guttman’s major research focus areas are atopic dermatitis (AD)/eczema and alopecia areata. Her research made paradigm-shifting discoveries on the immunologic basis of AD/eczema in adults and children with atopic dermatitis, enriching the understanding of the pathophysiology of this common disorder, opening the door for novel, pathway-specific drugs in this disease. Recently, Dr. Guttman extended her research interest to hair loss disorders such as alopecia areata and scarring hair loss disorders, chronic hand eczema, keloids, ichtyosis, and other skin diseases, in which her findings are also translated to novel therapeutics. Dr. Guttman co-founded the International Eczema Council (IEC), and is its immediate past president. Dr. Guttman received many national and international awards (e.g the AAAAI Award for Scientific Innovation and for pioneering discoveries, AAD Young Investigator award, etc). She was elected as a member to the American Society for Clinical Investigation/ASCI, and the American Dermatological Society/ADA. Dr. Guttman is often a keynote and plenary speaker in international and national meetings, and authored over 275 peer-reviewed publications.

Heimo Breiteneder: Associate Editor
Professor, PhD
Heimo Breiteneder received his PhD in 1985 from the University of Vienna, Austria, where
he studied Botany and Biochemistry. In 1988, he cloned the first plant allergen
worldwide, the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1. Heimo Breiteneder is a full professor for
Medical Biotechnology at the Medical University of Vienna in Vienna, Austria. He is the
head of the Division of Medical Biotechnology at the Institute of Pathophysiology and
Allergy Research. Prof. Breiteneder is an internationally well-recognized speaker on allergen
systematics and the molecular biology of allergens. From 2006-2014, he presided the
WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclature Sub-Committee.

Kari Nadeau: Associate Editor
Professor, MD, PhD
Kari Nadeau is currently a John Rock Professor of Climate and Population Studies at Harvard School of Public Health, Chair of the Department of Environmental Health, and Interim Director of the Center for Climate, Health and the Global Environment. She is the director of the Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy and Asthma Research and the FARE Center of Excellence at Stanford University.
For more than 30 years, she has devoted herself to understanding how environmental and genetic factors affect the risk of developing allergies and asthma, and the molecular mechanisms underlying the diseases. Her diverse team of specialists—in areas from immunology to chemical engineering—was the first to show that high dimensional immunophenotyping of T cells involved in allergy could be used in therapies for patients. Her team also showed that blocking antibodies in conjunction with allergen immunotherapy produced desensitization even in patients with up to five food allergens. She has overseen more than 40 clinical trials and enrolled more than 2,000 patients in allergy studies. Her work has changed the lives of many who, for the first time in their lives, are able to control life‐threatening food allergies.
Dr. Nadeau received her MD and PhD from Harvard Medical School. She completed a residency in pediatrics at Boston Children’s Hospital and a clinical fellowship in asthma and immunology at Stanford and at University of California, San Francisco.
Dr. Nadeau has served as a reviewer for National Institutes of Health (NIH) Study Sections and is a member of the medical board of the American Lung Association in California. She serves on the environmental health policy committee for the American Thoracic Society, is a fellow in the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, and a member of the American Society for Clinical Investigation (ASCI).
Her work has been recognized with numerous grants and awards, and her research is part of a prestigious Clinical and Translational Science Award from the NIH. Through FARE, CoFAR, the United Nations and other partnerships, she collaborates with colleagues from institutions around the globe.

Liam O'Mahony: Associate Editor
Professor, PhD, PD
Prof. Liam O’Mahony is a Professor of Immunology at the Departments of Medicine and Microbiology, APC Microbiome Ireland, National University of Ireland, Cork, Ireland. His research interests are focused on the molecular basis for microbe and metabolite modulation of mucosal inflammatory responses. In particular, Dr. O'Mahony is researching the role of the microbiome and diet in allergy, asthma and obesity. He is a member of the EAACI executive committee.

Luo Zhang: Associate Editor
Professor, MD, PhD
Luo Zhang is a Professor of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery at Beijing TongRen Hospital and Beijing Institute of Otolaryngology (Beijing, China). He is Director of the Beijing Institute of Otolaryngology (BIO) and the Executive President of the Beijing TongRen Hospital. Meanwhile, he is President of the Chinese Allergy Society (CAS). He is also a director member of World Allergy Organization, a member of Collegium Internationale Allergologicum, and a member of Collegium Oto-Rhino-Laryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum (CORLAS). His work has focused on the pathophysiology of chronic rhinosinusitis, the regulation of airway ciliary activity, mechanisms of specific-allergen immunotherapy of allergic rhinitis, and surgical techniques of endoscopic sinus surgery. His research has resulted in more than 140 peer-reviewed publications and several prizes in China, including the National Outstanding Scientist Prize (2010, nominated prize of top 10), the Eleventh China Youth Science and Technology Prize (2009), and National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars.

Oliver Pfaar: Associate Editor
Professor, MD, PhD
Prof. Dr. Oliver Pfaar is the chair of the Section Rhinology and Allergy, University Hospital Marburg, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany. As board certified ORL-specialist and allergist, Pfaar’s research and clinical interest is primarily focused on airway diseases such as allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, non-allergic rhinitis, CRSwNP and bronchial asthma and on innovations in allergen immunotherapy and biological treatment. He has contributed more than 280 publications (SCOPUS) and has been editor or author of several textbooks on airway diseases. Pfaar is member-at-large Central Europe of the Executive Committee (ExCom) of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) and furthermore is board member of Directors of the German Society for Allergology and Clinical Immunology (DGAKI). He has coordinated and has been involved in multiple national and international guidelines and Position Papers in the field of airway diseases.

Robyn E. O'Hehir: Associate Editor
Professor, MD, PhD
Robyn E. O’Hehir is an Associate Editor and an academic clinician-scientist with a focus on innovative translational research. She is Professor/Director of Allergy, Clinical Immunology and Respiratory Medicine (Research) at Central Clinical School, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, and Alfred Hospital, Melbourne. She has a long-standing clinical and research interest in immunomodulation and has published on subcutaneous and sublingual allergen immunotherapy and, more recently, on novel T-cell epitope-based peptide immunotherapy. She has served as State President of the Australasian Society for Clinical Immunology and Allergy, as well as a non-executive Director on the Board of Cabrini Health, and as a member of the Menzies Foundation Council. Furthermore, she is an Officer of the Order of Australia, a Fellow of the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand, a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Science, and a Life Governor of Asthma Victoria. Professor O’Hehir has a sustained record of success in competitive grant funding and has published more than 270 peer-reviewed publications.

Thomas Eiwegger: Associate Editor
Professor, MD, PhD, PD
Thomas Eiwegger earned his doctoral degree at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria, where he also completed his paediatric training. He did his post-Doc at the Swiss Institute of Asthma and Allergy in Cezmi Akdis’ group (2008-2010), and after returning to the Medical University of Vienna, he completed his training in Pediatrics, pediatric allergy, and pediatric respiratory medicine. He habilitated in 2012 in Paediatrics. Thereafter, he completed the fast-track tenure at the Medical University of Vienna and worked as principal investigator, group leader, and staff physician at the level of an associate Professor at the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. In the summer of 2015, he moved to the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto as a clinician-scientist and Co-director of the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Program at SickKids. Since 2021 he has been the head of the Department of Pediatrics at the University Clinics St. Poelten, Associate Professor at the Karl Landsteiner University, Krems and Assoc. Prof, Department of Immunology, University of Toronto, and is an adjunct scientist at the Research Institute at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. He currently leads research groups in Toronto and Austria that focus on the biomarkers and mechanisms of tolerance development in the context of atopic diseases and novel treatment approaches to food allergy.

Wytske J. Fokkens: Associate Editor
Professor, PhD
Wytske J. Fokkens is a Professor at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology at the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam. Her main focuses are sinus/skullbase surgery and mucosal pathology of the upper and lower airways. She is the secretary general of the European Rhinologic Society. She is the Chairman of the European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps (EPOS). Dr. Fokkens is a member of the executive committee of ARIA and the author of more than 350 papers on rhinology and allergy that have been published in peer-reviewed journals. She is the author of the textbook Rhinology and Skull Base Surgery, From the Lab to the Operating Room – An Evidence Based Approach, (Thieme). Recently she received the EAACI Paul Ehrlich award for improving experimental research. She is an honorary member of EAACI, the Spanish and Roumanian Rhinologic Society.

Michal Ordak: Statistics/Bioinformatics Editor
Assistant Professor, PhD
Dr. Michal Ordak, PhD, is an assistant professor at the Medical University of Warsaw. For many years, he has been helping scientists and scientific institutions from around the world in conducting several types of statistical analyses. He is the statistical editor and reviewer in many journals. Dr Michal Ordak has reviewed many scientific articles in terms of the correctness of the statistical analysis conducted. He supports activity of The Global Burden of Disease (GBD), namely through being responsible for the quality of published results in many journals. He is the Chair of the Statistics Group of the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). He regularly publishes statistical recommendations for authors and editorial board members of biomedical journals. His mission is to improve the quality of world biostatistics. He tries to educate scientists about the most common mistakes related to their statistical analysis and help editors for the correct statistical analyses of papers. For his activities, the International Statistical Institute has awarded him the title of ISI Elected Member. In 2020, his work was honoured with the title of Supertalent in Medicine 2020, and a few months later, Innovator of Mazovia 2020.

Beatriz Cabanillas: Assistant Editor
Beatriz Cabanillas, PhD, is the Head of the Laboratory of Allergy at Research Institute Hospital 12 de Octubre in Madrid, Spain. She obtained her doctoral degree in biological sciences with an Extraordinary Doctoral Prize in 2012.Beatriz Cabanillas is principal investigator in different national and international research projects. She conducted her research internationally for 9 years in Germany (Department of Dermatology and Allergy, Bonn University, Bonn) and the USA (Department of Agriculture, New Orleans, USA). She has received several awards for her oral presentations at international congresses: SEAIC Congress 2011; EAACI Congress 2015; EAACI Congress 2016. Dr. Cabanillas is Associate Editor for the journal Food Chemistry and Assistant Editor for the journal Allergy. She serves as ad hoc reviewer for more than 35 international journals (reviewing more than 350 articles up to the year 2021). She has published over 60 research articles and book chapters with a cumulative impact factor of 458. She is the editor of the book “Food Allergens: Methods and Protocols” (ISBN: 978-1-0716-3453-0) published by Springer-Nature. Her research focuses on studying the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in food allergy and atopic dermatitis. Her research group has described and characterized novel and traditional food allergens, studying their release from biological sources and their interaction with epithelial barriers. Her research also focused on the molecular characterization of infectious agents, exploring their role in allergic diseases. Dr. Cabanillas has certification from ANECA (Spanish official accreditation agency for higher education) for all categories of Professor duties.

Cevdet Özdemir: Assistant Editor
Professor, MD
Cevdet Özdemir M.D. is Professor of Pediatrics – Allergy at Istanbul University, Institute of Child Health, and Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Division of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, Turkey. He is the current Chair of the EAACI National Allergy Societies Committee. His research interest focuses on mechanisms of allergen-specific immunotherapy, trained immunity, immunomodulation and immune tolerance development.
Editorial Board
- Akdis, Mübeccel
- Alpan, Oral
- Andreakos, Evangelos
- Azkur, Ahmet Kursat
- Bilò, Maria Beatrice
- Bohle, Barbara
- Bonefeld, Charlotte Menne
- Brockow, Knut
- Brüggen, Marie-Charlotte
- Cameron, Lisa
- Castagnoli, Riccardo
- Cecchi, Lorenzo
- Chaker, Adam
- Chang, Yoon-Seok
- D'Amato, Gennaro
- Eguiluz-Gracia, Ibon
- Ferrer, Marta
- Frei, Remo
- Gao, Yadong
- Garvey, Lene Heise
- Gattinger, Pia
- Gelincik, Aslı
- Giovannini, Mattia
- Hew, Mark
- Himly, Martin
- Hoffmann, Hans Jürgen
- Hoffmann-Sommergruber, Karin
- Jappe, Uta
- Jartti, Tuomas
- Järvinen-Seppo, Kirsi
- Jesenak, Milos
- Jimenez-Saiz, Rodrigo
- Johansen, Pål
- Khaitov, Musa
- Klimek, Ludger
- Knol, Edward
- Koppelman, Gerard
- Kortekaas Krohn, Inge
- Larenas-Linnemann, Désirée
- Liu, Zheng
- Loukides, Stelios
- Mayorga, Cristobalina
- Mukherjee, Manali
- Morita, Hideaki
- Nilsson, Gunnar
- Okubo, Kimihiro
- Ollert, Markus
- Palomares, Oscar
- Perez de Llano, Luis
- Qi, Hai
- Rhyner, Claudio
- Sahiner, Umit
- Santamaria-Babí , Luis,
- Schwarze, Jürgen
- Sekerel, Bulent
- Shamji, Mohamed
- Simon, Dagmar
- Sokolowska, Milena
- Soyka, Michael
- Sturm, Gunter
- Sugita, Kazunari
- Upton, Julia
- van de Veen, Willem
- van Drunen, Cornelis
- van Hage, Marianne
- van Zelm, Menno
- von Gunten, Stephan
- Yildirim, Onder
- Zemelka-Wiacek, Magdalena
- Zielen, Stefan
Prof. Dr. Cezmi Akdis MD
Associate Managing Editor, Content Review
Marisa McGarryGraphics Editor
Anna Głobińska, PhDOnline Media Editor
Rüya Kilic ÖgülürAllergy Editing Office
Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF)
Universität Zürich
Herman-Burchard-Strasse 9
CH-7265 Davos Wolfgang, Switzerland