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81 Articles |
Biomarkers of peanut allergy in children over time
Foong R-X, Du Toit G, van Ree R, et al. Allergy. First published: 18 June 2024
Immunoglobulin free light chains in severe asthma patient: Could they be a new biomarker?
Caruso C, Ciasca G, Baglivo I, et al. Allergy. First published: 29 February 2024
Transcriptomic evaluation of skin tape-strips in children with allergic asthma uncovers epidermal barrier dysfunction and asthma-associated biomarkers abnormalities
Del Duca E, Dahabreh D, Kim M, et al. Allergy. First published: 20 February 2024
AllergoOncology: Biomarkers and refined classification for research in the allergy and glioma nexus—A joint EAACI-EANO position paper
Turner MC, Radzikowska U, Ferastraoaru DE, et al. Allergy. First published: 24 January 2024
Reply to corresponcence: “Oral immunotherapy in alpha-gal red meat allergy: Could specific IgE be a potential biomarker in monitoring management?”
Ünal, D., Eyice-Karabacak, D., Kutlu, A., et al. Allergy. First published: 19 April 2024
Oral immunotherapy in alpha-gal red meat allergy: Could specific IgE be a potential biomarker in monitoring management?
Unal D, Eyice-Karabacak D, Kutlu A, et al. Allergy. First published: 07 August 2023
Peripheral biomarkers for predicting sputum eosinophilia in nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-exacerbated respiratory disease
Trąd, G., Sanak, M., Ćmiel, A., et al. Allergy. First published: 12 June 2023
Patient-centered digital biomarkers for allergic respiratory diseases and asthma: The ARIA-EAACI approach - ARIA-EAACI Task Force Report
Bousquet J, Shamji MH, Anto JM, et al. Allergy. First published: 11 April 2023
IAngiomotin and angiostatin as asthma biomarkers: Implications for the regulation of airway remodeling and inflammation
Lee PH, Choi S, An M, et al. Allergy. First published: 18 January 2023
IL-13, periostin and dipeptidyl-peptidase-4 reveal endotype-phenotype associations in atopic dermatitis
Maintz, L., Welchowski, T., Herrmann, N., et al. Allergy. First published: 17 January 2023
Extracellular vesicle microRNA signatures as novel biomarkers in obese asthmatics
Sundar IK, Prasad C, Duraisamy SK. Allergy. First published: 21 December 2023
Effect of abrocitinib on skin biomarkers in patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis
Guttman-Yassky E, Facheris P, Gomez-Arias PJ, et al. Allergy. First published: 18 December 2023
Biomarkers of immediate drug hypersensitivity
Mayorga C, Ariza A, Muñoz-Cano R, Sabato V, Doña I, Torres MJ. Allergy. First published: 10 November 2023
Nutritional metabolites as biomarker for food intake to improve dietary-based randomized control trials
Venter, C. and Frei, R. Allergy. First published: 22 November 2022
Biomarkers associated with the development of comorbidities in patients with atopic dermatitis: a systematic review
Broderick, C., Ziehfreund, S., van Bart, K., et al. Allergy. First published: 10 November 2022
Development of sensitization to peanut and storage proteins and relation to markers of airway and systemic inflammation – a 24-year follow up
Tedner, S.G., Klevebro, S., Bergström, A., Kull, et al. Allergy. First published: 31 October 2022
Biomarkers of asthma relapse and lung function decline in adults with spontaneous asthma remission: a population-based cohort study
Tan, D.J., Lodge, C.J., Walters, E.H., et al. Allergy. First published: 27 October 2022
Furan fatty acid metabolite in newborns predicts risk of asthma
Gürdeniz, G., Kim, M., Brustad, N., et al. Allergy. First published: 27 October 2022
Specific IgE against the house dust mite allergens Der p 5, 20 and 21 influences the phenotype and severity of atopic diseases
Walsemann, T., Böttger, M., Traidl, S., et al. Allergy. First published: 14 October 2022
Biomarkers enable prediction of tacrolimus resistance in patients with severe allergic conjunctivitis
Okada N, Yazu H, Shimizu E, et al. Allergy. First published: 114 October 2022
Delayed type hypersensitivity reactions to various allergens may differently model inflammatory skin diseases
Pavel, A.B., Del Duca, E., Cheng, J., et al. Allergy. First published: 30 September 2022
Skin biomarkers predict development of atopic dermatitis in infancy
Rinnov MR, Halling AS, Gerner T, et al. Allergy. First published: 30 September 2022
RNA sequencing of single allergen-specific memory B cells after grass pollen immunotherapy: two unique cell fates and CD29 as a biomarker for treatment effect
McKenzie, C.I., Varese, N., Aui, P.M., et al. Allergy. First published: 25 September 2022
Skin biomarkers predict development of atopic dermatitis in infancy
Rinnov, M.R., Halling, A.-S., Gerner, T., et al. Allergy. First published: 16 September 2022
Fungal exposome, human health and unmet needs: a 2022 update with special focus on allergy
Vitte, J., Michel, M., Malinovschi, A., et al. Allergy. First published: 17 August 2022
Serum exosome inflamma-miRs are surrogate biomarkers for asthma phenotype and severity
Vázquez-Mera, S., Martelo-Vidal, L., Miguéns-Suárez, P., et al. Allergy. First published: 16 August 2022
Urine eosinophil-derived neurotoxin: a potential marker of activity in select eosinophilic disorders
Makiya, M.A., Khoury, P., Kuang, F.L., et al. Allergy. First published: 02 August 2022
Drug hypersensitivity, in vitro tools, biomarkers, and burden with COVID-19 vaccines
Palomares, F., Paris, J.L., Labella, M., Doña, I., Mayorga, C. and Torres, M.J. Allergy. First published: 01 August 2022
Dupilumab reduced impact of severe exacerbations on lung function in patients with moderate-to-severe type 2 asthma
Papi, A., Corren, J., Castro, M., et al. Allergy. First published: 28 July 2022
Patient-centered dupilumab dosing regimen leads to successful dose reduction in persistently controlled atopic dermatitis
Spekhorst, L.S., Bakker, D., Drylewicz, J., et al. Allergy. First published: 15 July 2022
Relationship between inflammatory status and microbial composition in severe asthma and during exacerbation
Diver, S., Haldar, K., McDowell, P.J., et al. Allergy. First published: 01 July 2022
Omics technologies in allergy and asthma research: an EAACI position paper
Radzikowska, U., Baerenfaller, K., Cornejo-Garcia, J.A., et al. Allergy. First published: 17 June 2022
Airway remodelling rather than cellular infiltration characterises both type2 cytokine biomarker-high and -low severe asthma
Khalfaoui, L., Symon, F.A., Couillard, S., et al. Allergy. First published: 17 May 2022
Risk factors for severe reactions in food allergy: Rapid evidence review with meta-analysis
Turner, P.J., Arasi, S., Ballmer-Weber, B., et al. Allergy. First published: 20 April 2022
Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase is a biomarker of severe anaphylaxis in children
Upton, J.E.M., Hoang, J.A., Leon-Ponte, M.,et al. Allergy. First published: 09 April 2022
Preterm birth reduces the risk of IgE sensitization up to early adulthood: A population-based birth cohort study
Mitselou, N, Andersson, N, Bergström, A, et al. Allergy. First published: 06 September 2021
Coordinated IgG2 and IgE responses as a marker of allergen immunotherapy efficacy
Bordas-Le Floch, V, Berjont, N, Batard, T, et al. Allergy. First published: 22 September 2021
Identification of novel biomarkers to distinguish bradykinin-mediated angioedema from mast cell-/histamine-mediated angioedema
Bindke, G., Gehring, M., Wieczorek, D., Kapp, A., Buhl, T. and Wedi, B. Allergy. First published: 20 July 2021
Methylation risk scores for childhood aeroallergen sensitization: Results from the LISA birth cohort
Kilanowski, A., Chen, J., Everson, T., et al. Allergy. First published: 19 April 2022
Electrical impedance spectroscopy for the characterization of skin barrier in atopic dermatitis
Rinaldi, A.O., Korsfeldt, A., Ward, S. et al. Allergy. First published: 08 April 2021
Baseline type 2 biomarker levels and response to tezepelumab in severe asthma
Corren, J., Pham, T.-H., Gil, E.G., et al. Allergy. First published: 16 December 2021
Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase: A biomarker in hymenoptera venom allergy?
Bilò, M.B., Corsi, A., Martini, M., et al. Allergy. First published: 29 October 2021
Assessment of biomarkers in pediatric atopic dermatitis by tape strips and skin biopsies
Andersson, A.M., Sølberg, J., Koch, A., et al. Allergy. First published: 25 October 2021
DAAB-V2: Updated database of allergy and asthma biomarkers
Majumdar, S., Bhattacharjee, S., Jana, T. and Saha, S. Allergy. First published: 20 September 2021
Sputum antinuclear antibody serves as a biomarker for severe asthma
Luu, Q.Q., Cao, T.B.T., Shin, Y.-S., Yang, E.-M., Moon, J.-Y. and Park, H.-S. Allergy. First published: 16 September 2021
Advances and highlights in biomarkers of allergic diseases
Ogulur, I., Pat, Y., Ardicli, O., et al. Allergy. First published: 14 September 2021
Unique molecular signatures typify skin inflammation induced by chemical allergens and irritants
Lefevre, M.-A., Nosbaum, A., Rozieres, A., et al. Allergy. First published: 26 June 2021
Medical Algorithms: Approach to adult asthma exacerbations
Nair, P. and O’Byrne, P.M. Allergy. First published: 04 June 2021
The role of allergen-specific IgE, IgG and IgA in allergic disease
Shamji, M.H., Valenta, R., Jardetzky, T. et al. Allergy. First published: 17 May 2021
Noninvasive biomarkers identify eosinophilic esophagitis: A prospective longitudinal study in children
Wechsler, J.B., Ackerman, S.J., Chehade, M., et al. Allergy. First published: 27 April 2021
Biologics and airway remodeling in severe asthma
Varricchi G., Ferri S., Pepys J., et al. Allergy. 2022;77(12):3538-3552
Highlights in the advances of chronic rhinosinusitis
Xu, X., Reitsma, S., Wang, D.Y. and Fokkens, W.J. Allergy. 2021; 76: 3349-3358
A new era of atopic eczema research: Advances and highlights
Hülpüsch, C, Weins, AB, Traidl-Hoffmann, C, Reiger, M. Allergy. 2021; 76: 3408-3421
Advances and highlights in asthma in 2021
Agache, I, Eguiluz-Gracia, I, Cojanu, C, et al. Allergy. 2021; 76: 3390-3407
Type 2 biomarker expression (FeNO and blood eosinophils) is higher in severe adult-onset than in severe early-onset asthma
Lommatzsch, M., Klein, M., Stoll, P. and Virchow, J.C. Allergy. 2021; 76: 3199-3202
High-dimensional analysis defines multicytokine T-cell subsets and supports a role for IL-21 in atopic dermatitis
Czarnowicki, T., Kim, H.J., Villani, et al. Allergy. 2021; 76: 3080-3093
An integrated scalp and blood biomarker approach suggeststhe systemic nature of alopecia areata
Glickman, J.W., Dubin, C., Dahabreh, D., et al. Allergy. 2021; 76: 3053-3065
Markers for the involvement of endothelial cells and the coagulation system in chronic urticaria: A systematic review
Mostmans, Y., De Smedt, K., Richert, B., Elieh Ali Komi, D., Maurer, M. and Michel, O. et al. Allergy. 2021; 76: 2998-3016
Predictors of treatment response in chronic spontaneous urticaria
Fok, J.S., Kolkhir, P., Church, M.K. and Maurer, M. Allergy. 2021; 76: 2965-2981
Increased day-to-day fluctuations in exhaled breath profiles after a rhinovirus challenge in asthma
Lammers, A., Brinkman, P., te Nijenhuis, L.H., et al. Allergy.2021; 76: 2488-2499
Glycomics in tears: seeking for new biomarkers for ocular allergy diagnosis
Fauquert, J.-L. and Kowalski, M.L. Allergy.2021; 76: 2335-2336
Dupilumab efficacy in adolescents with uncontrolled, moderate-to-severe asthma: LIBERTY ASTHMA QUEST
Maspero, J.F., FitzGerald, J.M., Pavord, I.D., et al.Allergy.2021; 76: 2621-2624
Sputum TNF markers are increased in neutrophilic and severe asthma and are reduced by azithromycin treatment
Niessen, N.M., Gibson, P.G., Baines, K.J., et al. Allergy. 2021; 76: 2090-2101
Interleukin-6: A novel biomarker for monoclonal antibody and chemotherapy-associated hypersensitivity confirms a cytokine release syndrome phenotype-endotype association
Jakubovic, B.D., Sanchez-Sanchez, S., Hamadi, S., Lynch, D.-M. and Castells, M.Allergy.2021; 76: 1571-1573
Basophil activation and serum IL-5 levels as possible monitor biomarkers in severe eosinophilic asthma patients treated with anti-IL-5 drugs
Caruso, C., Colantuono, S., Tolusso, B., et al.Allergy.2021; 76: 1569-1571
Identification of Pru du 6 as a potential marker allergen for almond allergy
Kabasser, S, Hafner, C, Chinthrajah, S, et al. Allergy. 2021; 76: 1463– 1472
Predicting persistence of atopic dermatitis in children using clinical attributes and serum proteins
Lauffer, F, Baghin, V, Standl, M, et al. Allergy. 2021; 76: 1158– 1172
Basophil activation test : A diagnostic, predictive and monitoring assay for allergen immunotherapy
Alpan, O., Layhadi, J.A., Ulrik Sønder, S., Li, H. and Shamji, M.H. Allergy.2021; 76: 1321-1324
Exploring novel systemic biomarker approaches in grass-pollen sublingual immunotherapy using omics
Barker-Tejeda, TC, Bazire, R, Obeso, D, et al. Allergy. 2021; 76: 1199– 1212
Blood myeloperoxidase-DNA, a biomarker of early response to SARS-CoV-2 infection?
Guéant, J.-L., Fromonot, J., Guéant-Rodriguez, R.-M., Lacolley, P., Guieu, R. and Regnault, V.Allergy.2021; 76: 892-896
Circulating microRNA-15b-5p as a biomarker for asthma-COPD overlap
Hirai, K, Shirai, T, Shimoshikiryo, T, et al. Allergy. 2021; 76: 766– 774
Plasma adenosine is linked to disease activity and response to treatment in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria
Mao, M, Liu, H, Yan, S, et al.Allergy. 2021; 76: 571– 573
Clinical, radiological, and laboratory characteristics and risk factors for severity and mortality of 289 hospitalized COVID-19 patients
Zhang, J-J, Cao, Y-Y, Tan, G, et al. Allergy. 2021; 76: 533– 550
The role of peripheral blood eosinophil counts in COVID-19 patients
Xie, G, Ding, F, Han, L, Yin, D, Lu, H, Zhang, M. Allergy. 2021; 76: 471– 482
Type 2-low asthma phenotypes by integration of sputum transcriptomics and serum proteomics
Zounemat Kermani, N., Saqi, M., Agapow, P., et al. Allergy.2021; 76: 380-383
RNA-seq–based profiling of extracellular vesicles in plasma reveals a potential role of miR-122-5p in asthma
Bahmer, T., Krauss-Etschmann, S., Buschmann, D., et al. Allergy. 2021; 76: 366-371
Tape strips from early-onset pediatric atopic dermatitis highlight disease abnormalities in nonlesional skin
Pavel A. B., Renert- Yuval, Y., Wu, J., et al. Allergy. 2021; 76: 314- 325
Th2 cell markers in peripheral blood increase during an acute asthma exacerbation
Palikhane N. S. et al. Allergy. 2021; 76:281-290
Phenotyping peach-allergic patients sensitized to lipid transfer protein and analysing severity biomarkers
Bogas, G, Muñoz-Cano, R, Mayorga, C, et al. Allergy. 2020; 75: 3228– 3236
Biomarkers and clinical characteristics of autoimmune chronic spontaneous urticaria: Results of the PURIST Study
Schoepke, N, Asero, R, Ellrich, A, et al. Allergy. 2019; 74: 2427– 2436